Chemsex – Counseling

ChemSex-Beratung - HP

Chemsex counseling at Hein & Fiete in cooperation with Therapiehilfe.

You want to talk about your recent experiences with chems?
You want to regain more control over your consumption habits?
You want to stop using chems?

Then our Chemsex counseling is for you. It’s free of charge and anonymous. You just make an appointment.
As always, Hein & Fiete is an accepting, gay, confidential, and sex-positive place. 
Counseling hours are every Wednesday from 4 to 6 p.m.

Professional counselors from our partner organization Therapiehilfe are here to help you recognize problems and to find strategies that work for you. You are also very welcome if you are worried about someone else or simply want to talk about safer sex and safer use.

We can discuss your situation, your worries and fears and can refer you, if necessary. If you would like to know what to expect during the counseling, just give us a call: 040 – 240 333 or drop by. Our opening hours: Monday – Friday 4 – 8 p.m.

Hein & Fiete 
Pulverteich 21 
20099 Hamburg


Checkpoint BLN has developed a self-test questionnaire that can help you with your risk assessment. In our Chemsex counseling, we will be happy to discuss your thoughts and further questions that might pop up when filling out this questionnaire. You can either download it here.


Wer Drogen nimmt, muss sich mit vielen Problemen herumschlagen: schlechte Stoffqualität, Polizei, Stress beim Konsum, Abszesse und Beschaffungsdruck, um nur einige zu nennen. Die Gefahren kennt man, die Folgen kann man sehen und spüren.

Es gibt aber auch Gefahren, die man nicht sehen kann. Dazu gehört neben Hepatitis-B- und Hepatitis-C-Viren auch HIV - ein Virus, welches das körperigene Abwehrsystem schwächt und ohne Behandlung zur lebensbedrohlichen Krankheit Aids führen kann.

Diese Broschüre bietet alle wichtigen Infos rund um den Schutz vor HIV, zu HIV-Tests und zur Behandlung.

Ergänzend hierzu gibt es die Broschüre "Drogen und Hepatitis".


This booklet covers some general First Aid practices for some specific chemsex-related emergencies.

It includes some information on how to make judgment calls, and when not to; when to call an ambulance, as well as some tips to help avoid some of the most common emergencies that can happen in chemsex environments.

This booklet is not a comprehensive harm reduction resource. This booklet focuses on emergency situations and First Aid that might be applied in them. Harm reduction information regarding chems is much more extensive.

This document was written and prepared by David Stuart and Ignacio Labayen De Inza. Sept 2018


Stigma und Scham sind Ursache, weshalb Menschen, die illegalisierte Substanzen konsumieren, vielfach sehr spät um Hilfe nachfragen. Der Leitfaden ist ein Türöffner für das Thema Stigma und Sprache im Kontext von Substanzkonsum